My first children’s book is a labor of love that I am thrilled to have in a form to share with other children finally. Over the years, the story was told to the children of family and close friends, becoming a favorite memory of these now-grown children. Some of the nieces, nephews, and children of close friends now have kids of their own and have experienced the “bedtime routine” of hearing about Ronnie when they visit my home.
The story of Ronnie the Raindrop evolved from a question my young daughter, Alexandria, asked me fifteen years ago. We were sitting in the front yard of our home overlooking a large lake in Georgia. Alexandria was asking, “Where do clouds come from?” I responded, “Honey, clouds come from the lake.”
She did not like the response.
“But Dad, the clouds aren’t even touching the lake.”
What followed was me providing her a more detailed explanation, and ultimately I went into the house and put pen to paper. I had a completed manuscript ready for submission to multiple publishers within two years, but there were no takers.
Children grew up, and the manuscript sat collecting dust on a closet shelf for the next fifteen years. In 2019, I decided to take another look at the story of Ronnie and start the journey to publishing again. My unwavering belief is that the storyline is solid and that, in some versions, Ronnie would be commercially viable if correctly marketed. I began working with my Director of Marketing and Publisher, making significant changes to the original Ronnie and the Rainbow manuscript, including changing the name to Ronnie the Raindrop.
I created this book to teach environmental awareness through a fun, fast-paced story shared across generations. Young readers will learn about the water cycle and have fun doing so while the value of loyalty and friendship is driven home. Older readers will be reminded of the magic of the natural world.
I hope you enjoy Ronnie the Raindrop and start your own teaching of environmental awareness with this story.
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