Update on Life

I am settling into 2023 and the realities of being newly retired.

Diver’s Log from Exuma, Bahamas


Hello, my friends. This blog is being written from a stunning beach in Exuma, Bahamas. I am witnessing an angry lady (Cat 4 Hurricane Fiona) vent her considerable rage in all directions as she passes me to the east. Weather conditions caused the dive trip to be canceled—part of it. We are in the outer […]

 How the Love of the Ocean Sparked a Mission


How the Love of the Ocean Sparked a Mission By Robert Provan My love and appreciation of the sea began at the age of four when I crossed the raging North Atlantic with my family on a cruise ship to Britain. This trip was a transformative experience, to say the least. For on this same […]

How Ronnie the Raindrop Story Started

ronnie the raindrop

How Ronnie the Raindrop Story Started By Robert Provan The Journey to Publishing My first children’s book is a labor of love that I am thrilled to have in a form to share with other children finally. Over the years, the story was told to the children of family and close friends, becoming a favorite […]

How to Engage your Children to Read

how to engage your child to read

How to Engage your Children to Read By Robert Provan Teaching a child to enjoy reading is a challenge, but it’s easier to do if they enjoy reading. If they read on a subject that interests them, odds are they will expand to read on other topics as they mature. If you have young readers […]